Like me, many of you may have attended college and/or taken classes in art. Though I graduated with a Bachelor of Science and majors in Liberal Arts and Asian Studies, I didn’t receive any education at all on how to sell art, engage with possible customers, approach galleries or other venues, or how to negotiate and advocate for myself.
No matter how talented, artists are at a real disadvantage if they don’t learn these practical things. Those things I didn't learn in school, but from my positions working for the Smithsonian Institution gift catalog, and from managing museum stores, an Asian art gallery, and a custom framing and art gallery. In managing galleries, I learned what clients want to know about artists, and gathered that information from artists to share with customers.
I developed these classes to help other artists learn what I garnered over many years of working with the public, attending trade shows as both a buyer and seller, negotiating pricing with vendors and manufacturers, and selling to museum store customers and gallery clients. The marketing programs I developed have been taught in Colorado at The Business of Art Center in Manitou Springs, Loveland StartUp Week, and at the Loveand Museum.
My classes help artists sell their art to the public and market themselves to galleries and other venues. They are interactive classes in which you learn what kinds of questions to ask potential customers and what to share about yourself to interest clients in your work.
My goal is to help you develop your confidence in and competence at selling. Otherwise, you will become the biggest collector of your own art!
Wearing Many Hats:
How to Talk With Customers
Typically 1 hour - 1 1/2 hours
Selling is so easy if you think of it as just asking questions and sharing information!
Do you feel like you’re bragging if you say good things about your art and yourself? Don’t know how to approach potential customers?
Instead of giving a sales spiel, ask about them - where they’re from, who they are, what they like, what they collect.
In my fun, interactive class, “Wearing Many Hats: How to Talk with Customers”, we’ll practice role-playing - being a salesperson and also putting yourself in the customer’s shoes (or rather hat!). You’ll choose a hat and assume the personality of an artist or gallery owner while another class member pretends to be a buyer.
After my class, you’ll feel comfortable knowing what questions to ask to find out what kind of art a customer might like, and you’ll also learn what things to share about yourself and your art with a prospective client. A handout will remind you of these questions and answers, as I share my secrets of sales with you.
You’ll leave feeling confident and being more competent at sales!
Marketing Your Art, Marketing Yourself
Usually a four-hour workshop
Artists, I’ll help you get more business into your art business! Learn how to talk about your art, target audiences, find sales venues besides galleries, and much more! During "Marketing Your Art, Marketing Yourself,” my four-hour intensive, interactive workshop for artists, l share secrets of selling and marketing tips. You will present 2 works of your art at the beginning of class and again at the end, incorporating the principles you’ve learned to improve your presentation. This class is about self-perception and projecting confidence, communicating about your work, and how to be more business-like as a professional artist.
As co-owner of Full Circle Creative, I‘ve been helping artists and businesses since 1999. I’ve managed art galleries, museum stores, and gift catalogs, and taught classes at the Business of Art Center in Manitou Springs, Startup Week in Loveland, and at the Loveland Museum.
Bring 2 works of art that are easily portable, not large or fragile, and water and snacks. Breaks throughout the four-hour class will allow plenty of time for water, snacks, and networking. Perhaps you’ll meet a potential art collaborator!